Atlantis hotel scam?

Aug 20, 2007 8:23 pm

Have any of you heard anything about an Atlantis Hotel (Bahamas) investment? My brother-in-law gave someone 30K and supposedly he is aprt of a group that owns the phone system of the hotel. He gets his 30K back over three years and then about $500 per minth after that for life. Seems fishy.

Aug 20, 2007 9:38 pm

If that's a real investment, sign me up for $1mm.

Aug 20, 2007 11:32 pm
Sounds like a scam. If your brother-in-law wishes to notify the SEC let me know. They've been pretty active lately busting scams very similar to this one.
Aug 21, 2007 12:41 am

Couldn’t be any worse than the Canadian scams - last one I remember was a check cashing service that guaranteed something like 10% per month. Needless to say, I fired that dopey client the second he told me he’d invested in it.

where’s the stupid-meter when you need one?

Oh, and here’s another scary Canadian group… - ever hear of them?

Aug 21, 2007 9:40 am

Those scams are a dime a dozen.

Anytime anyone pitches a "guaranteed" returns investment like that it's time to run like hell especially if the solicitation is via e-mail, fax, or cold call.

Aug 21, 2007 12:44 pm

Actually, He has been receiving monthly payments (as promised) for the last 5 months. Someone at one of the GM plants (upper management) has been recommending this to some of the other management people (including my brother-in-law).

I guess we'll see.

Peace to all of you as we fight Iran. I'm still shocked at the GB RB situation, but let's see what happens.

Aug 21, 2007 1:07 pm

Good luck to him and others. If for some reason those payments are late or stop coming the quicker the feds find out the better.

If we (most, if not all of us) Americans can't make peace with one another on this hot board, I fear it will be a long time coming in the middle east.

Aug 21, 2007 1:10 pm


Actually, He has been receiving monthly payments (as promised) for the last 5 months. Someone at one of the GM plants (upper management) has been recommending this to some of the other management people (including my brother-in-law).

That is classic pyramid scam/Ponzi scheme behavior. Time to get out now! When it all blows, will the GM upper manager lose his job?
Aug 21, 2007 2:30 pm

[quote=madabroker] [quote=ZAID ABDUL AZIZ]

Actually, He has been receiving monthly payments (as promised) for the last 5 months. Someone at one of the GM plants (upper management) has been recommending this to some of the other management people (including my brother-in-law).

That is classic pyramid scam/Ponzi scheme behavior. Time to get out now! When it all blows, will the GM upper manager lose his job?[/quote]

I certainly hope so.

Peace to all of you as Lebanon must remain free. Hezbollah must disarm.

Aug 21, 2007 2:54 pm

Hey Z, you and I both know that Lebanon isn’t “free” and that Hezbollah won’t disarm unless the Syrians and Iranis force them to do so.

Aug 21, 2007 6:22 pm


Iran and syria will never tell Hezbollah to disarm. There's a small byt growing number of people that are starting to realize that Hezbollah cares not about Lebanon, but more about Iran. Maybe if the UN had more backbone, they could stop looking the other way as Hezbollah mocks the notion of disarming.

Iran will be at the border of the US very soon. Covertly, of course. And that's a shame.

Aug 21, 2007 9:28 pm


If the UN had “backbone”, as you say, they would relocated their headquarters to Israel and see what it’s like to live in a constant state of “war”.