Cyber Security - Who needs help?

Feb 12, 2015 2:38 pm

The SEC continues to make cyber security a top priority.  Branch exams are expected to cover cyber security and the SEC says tha they won't be "giving any passes" out for practices that are not prepared to contend with cyber risks.

My question is how important is this to the advisor community?  You are busy enough trying to find time to spend with your clients that trying to learn and take action on the cyber front is just one more thing on your to-do list.  How much time would that save you?

If you could prepare a cyber package for your brand exams with direction guidance and minimal effort, would that be valuable to you?  Basically, gathering together all the things the SEC and your Branch Examiners would be looking for.

If you had access to real life cyber expertise including real-life guidance and documents like a pre-written cyber policy that you could start using immediately, would you take advantage of it?

What if you had access to a non-technical website and resources that takes all the greek out of all the cyber lingo and simplies tell you what you need to do, would you take advantage of it?

Last but not least, would you like the ability to tell your clients that you are actively safeguarding their information and know that you are truly doing all the things in your power to keep everything secure?

I welcome any input.  Thanks in advance for your time.