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Sarbanes Gets His Way

It took WorldCom to give Sen. Paul Sarbanes clout. Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, the Democrat from Maryland was having a hard time pushing through a stiff corporate reform bill when the telecommunications company's creative accounting made believers out of most senators and representatives, including Republicans, who had been pressing for passage of a more tepid version. Post-Enron, the

It took WorldCom to give Sen. Paul Sarbanes clout. Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, the Democrat from Maryland was having a hard time pushing through a stiff corporate reform bill when the telecommunications company's creative accounting made believers out of most senators and representatives, including Republicans, who had been pressing for passage of a more tepid version. “Post-Enron, the Sarbanes bill looked like a ceiling; after WorldCom, it became a floor,” says Charles Gabriel, senior Washington analyst for Prudential Securities, who has followed Sarbanes' career for 20 years.

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